Meet Ashley Cooper, automotive expert and known writer of car-repair guides. She is a fan of fast drive and custom automotive solutions. Having spent her childhood in a garage with her father and uncle, she strongly believes, that a perfect car has 5 gears. She is excited to share her experience with our readers!
There are all sorts of different truck-and-trailer combinations currently traveling around the United States. From utility trailers and camping trailers to car trailers, horse trailers, and more — there’s a trailer for just about everything. And, of course, since America is the land of the pickup truck, there’s a truck for every task, too. But, depending
Rudolf Diesel developed the engine technology that bears his name in the late 19th Century. Since then, diesel engines have become popular for their reliable and efficient operation and long life. Gasoline and diesel engines share a basic structure and set of operating principles, but higher compression ratios and diesel fuel’s higher energy capacity make
Maintaining your vehicle isn’t just about routine oil changes; you must also clean it periodically for an optimal look. Fast food wrappers, receipts, and that strange odor from the back seat aren’t doing you any favors. And if a stranger has scrawled “Please Wash Me” through the caked-on dirt on the back of your car,
Automakers build vehicles with styles and options to appeal to the masses, but only you can make it your own. Customizing your truck to fit your personality and needs to provide a sense of accomplishment you’ll enjoy every time you use it. Improving the functionality of your truck bed ranges from adding a simple truck
A truck is designed to be versatile and rugged so that you can tackle nearly any challenging project. With most of the attention focused on horsepower, torque, and towing capacity, comfort is often overlooked. Whether you use your pickup for daily commutes to work or spend most of your day on the road utilizing your
Whether an automatic or manual transmission is a better choice has been an ongoing gearhead grudge match for the best part of a century. There are several pros and cons for both, and each brand of enthusiast has valid reasons for preferring one over the other. Gas mileage in particular is often a big talking